Sunday 21 July 2024


Given the nature of my content and of my historical, political and philosophical positions, it ought to have come as no surprise to find that my YouTube channel has been taken down. Indeed, I am quite surprised that it lasted the eight years that it did. What might come as a surprise to some, but not to me, was that the offending video that finally got my channel terminated was one about the alleged assassination attempt of Donald Trump, in which I explored the probability that it was set up by Trump himself and his team, which is my personal view. Many on the Left have also suggested this, but, as ever, they are left alone, whereas anyone on the Right suggesting the same is targeted. Of course, someone has to have reported the video in question, and to quote the great Jacques Clouseau, "I suspect everyone and no one." Prime candidates are Cucker Tarlson's team and Jimmy Dore's team, as I was banned from their YouTube comments sections for making the claim there. It could also be a conspiracy theorist called Rin Michaelis, who is a Black American Woman of Coloured Person who has prior form for reporting people she does not like, and my ethnocentrism as an Ethnic European will no doubt be anathema to her. The reason I mention her is that she appears as a regular on Ben Emlyn Jones' channel (Ben TheJRPorter), who often mentions me and my channel and with whom I did a podcast on The Prisoner, and so she is no doubt well aware of who I am. Of course, it might not be any of these, and YouTube's AI algorithms may just have been set to shut down any Rightist dissent on the matter. We will probably never know. It does however show what I have been saying all along: that Trump is very much protected by the establishment because he is part of the establishment. Always has been.

As I have been shut down on YouTube, and have already been banned in most European countries on the pro-Trump Bitchute, I will be migrating to Odysee, where I have uploaded an introductory video, which has been viewed by all of five people, according to Odysee's stats. This is where I hope that you who are reading this will help me in spreading the word and in sharing my content, as I begin the long slog of reformatting my videos to make them compatible with Odysee and then uploading them, and changing the links on this site accordingly. I will, of course, be making new videos, including a revamped version of the one on the alleged Trump assassination attempt in order to include a disclaimer and warning at the beginning. Thank you to all who have helped in the past and to all who will help in the future. We are all doing the Gods' work. R&N.


  1. You've got a very relaxing sound to your voice, and would probably do really well narrating. I'd definitely listen to them
