Sunday 9 August 2020


A while ago, I wrote an article in which I said Tucker Carlson had potential. It was when he lost a debate to (((Ben Shapiro))), but showed a few real Rightist leanings. Sadly, that promise has proven to be false. On Fox News yesterday, Carlson did that most embarrassing thing of all the Jesus-cucked libertardian panoply; he appealed to "muh based black dude" to virtue signal. The authority he went to was none other than that old favourite of the Republicans, the Holy Based Reverend Kanye West. The theme too was an old favourite: abortion. Carlson uses the same tricks as the Democrats: cue scenes of the weeping Negro as he spins his hard-luck story to all who would listen, and all to get their particular party into office, neither of which represents White interests.



Why does it serve White interests when Carlson talks of the supposed tragedy of over 22,500,000 Black abortions? So Carlson would have liked all those fetuses to grow into babies and on into adults then. So who feeds them? Who gives them jobs? Carlson? And let us be honest, these abortions are not requested by the best people the Negroid races have to offer. No, most of these represent the Black underclass, who are legion and are already a burden on American society. More Black babies means more handouts from White taxes, more crime against White victims, more race riots and more political troublemakers. How many more Black Lives Matter activists would we have now if those fetuses had been allowe to grow? Tucker ought really to have dressed himself in a clown costume for this one, and perhaps banged himself over the head with a giant foam mallet after every point he made.

The icing on the cake was his mention of Margaret Sanger, who, as a eugenicist, wanted to see fewer Black babies being born. Margaret Sanger was a racist, Carlson proclaimed triumphantly. Yes, the old "the Democrats are the real racists" trope! Yes, Margaret Sanger was a socialist, but she was also influenced by liberals like Julian Huxley, but let's not mention the fact that libertarians like Tucker are the successors to the liberals of yesteryear, and that both socialists and liberals, communists and libertarians are of the Left. Yet a good idea is a good idea, and I on the Right applaud Margaret Sanger for her Rightist leanings in striving for quality over quantity at the very root of existence. The problem is Tucker Carlson's, because, as a libertardian Jesus-cuck, he is an egalitarian and believe all life is of equal worth. He also believes in the notion of melting-pot America and that everyone of disparate groups can hold hands together singing "Kumbaya". The man is a fool and a dangerous one, because there is no more dangerous a fool than one who often sounds plausible.

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