Sunday 6 February 2022


A few days late because of the usual time restrictions, but again we had plenty to choose from. We had Bono going into such nihilisic overdrive that he even turned on himself. Some '60s hippies that once sang about freedom, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell tried to get Spotify to ban Joe Rogan because he's not quite left-wing enough for them. But my choice for her amazing chutzpah and retardedness in equal measure is Jewish low-grade actress Maureen Lipman. Is Maureen Lipman a Leftist? Well, as is usual with her tribe, she is very Rightist when it comes to Israel, but very Leftist when it comes to the country in which she was born, Great Britain. Cuckoo! She is often to be found at events about "combatting anti-Semitism", by which is meant combatting those who challenge the Jewish imperialist Semitism expressed by many Jews in Europe. Indeed, Lipman's recent comments demonstrate both her Leftism aimed at weakening the host nation and her double standards when it comes to fellow Jews.