Tuesday 26 April 2022


While I do not agree with many of Enoch Powell's policies, I do respect him as a political philosopher, for he was that rarest of things, an honest politician. I also respect his intellect and would love to have debated with him, particularly on his dogmatic adherence to liberal capitalist economics. This is not, however, our primary concern with Powell though. In his earlier interviews, he had been forthright on the subject of immigration, but he had never been an absolutist in terms of anti-immigration from non-White countries, and indeed often declared that he had nothing against miscegenation, as it would lead to better integration of alien stock. That view certainly changed, as it ought to have done for a man of his intellect; and, in the first of these videos, which is a documentary that features some of his last interviews, he finally hits upon the fact that what the Left term racism constitutes the foundation of any nationhood: "What's wrong with racism?" he asks. "Racism is the basis of nationality."



Thursday 7 April 2022


Well, who do we have for last month's Leftist Fuckwit of the Month? The goal of course of every Leftist is to make everything politically correct, every action and utterance, regardless of the inherent contraditions that that implies. And so they have turned to one of the last bastions of political incorrectness, the British humorous adult comic Viz. A college sociology teacher I knew had it in his sights over twenty years ago, and it would appear their efforts to bring it to heel have gathered pace....

Wednesday 9 March 2022


 Shall we go for the obvious? Shall we go for joint winners? I think, given the scale of the fuckwittery, we have to. Our winners this month are communist despot and ex-KGB agent Vladimir Putin and liberal Jewboy actor-cum-president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The reasons for their selection are obvious, and anybody thinking Putin is "our man on the Right" is delusional. Anyway, a more comprehensive look at what's going on can be found in my latest video:

Sunday 6 February 2022


A few days late because of the usual time restrictions, but again we had plenty to choose from. We had Bono going into such nihilisic overdrive that he even turned on himself. Some '60s hippies that once sang about freedom, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell tried to get Spotify to ban Joe Rogan because he's not quite left-wing enough for them. But my choice for her amazing chutzpah and retardedness in equal measure is Jewish low-grade actress Maureen Lipman. Is Maureen Lipman a Leftist? Well, as is usual with her tribe, she is very Rightist when it comes to Israel, but very Leftist when it comes to the country in which she was born, Great Britain. Cuckoo! She is often to be found at events about "combatting anti-Semitism", by which is meant combatting those who challenge the Jewish imperialist Semitism expressed by many Jews in Europe. Indeed, Lipman's recent comments demonstrate both her Leftism aimed at weakening the host nation and her double standards when it comes to fellow Jews.



Saturday 22 January 2022


It has been a while since I last featured contemporary artists who I think are not only very good, but very much in the European tradition. As I often say, there is still a lot of great art being created; it is just that one will not find it in the mainstream, where everything is based upon the deconstruction of ethnically European cultural heritage, and nothing outside of the mainstream's underlying ideology will be given the oxygen of publicity. One must rely on friends on social media and such to bring artists of note to my attention, and I, in turn, try to give them a bit of publicity in some small way. I must stress that I do not know any of the artists personally, nor their political opinions. I of course hope that they have the sort of political opinions that are conducive to a culture in which their art can thrive.