Sunday 31 December 2023


I thought I would draw attention to people doing good work to combat the Left both in real life and on the internet. One of the main reasons the Overton Window keeps moving ever leftwards is the fact that the Right seemed to lose its sense of humour after the death of G K Chesterton. Rightist humour was marginalised in all public high-cultural spheres, meaning it became the preserve of the working class, in whose Working Men's Clubs stand-up comedians told jokes that would be deemed a selection of adjectives ending in -phobic and -ist. This form of humour, in being working class, became an easy target for the middle-class Leftists who came to dominate television by the 1980s. It was derided as lowbrow and cretinous, like the working class themselves were portrayed, even as Leftist middle-class comedians targeted that bane of the working class Margaret Thatcher. By extension, the morality of ethnocentrism and traditional social norms that underpinned such working-class humour became derided and perceived as lowbrow and cretinous in its associations with the lower classes.



While large sections of the upper classes too enjoyed very ethnocentric humour (as well as a significant portion of the middle class), they did little to challenge the largely middle class and very Leftist cultural hegemony. This hegemony has also meant that the middle class Leftist controllers of taste and morality have been able to legislate against what they deem to be in bad taste, so that that which offends their sensibilities is a criminal act. Of course, the internet has provided the perfect platform for retaliation due to its relative lawlessness, with even the politically correct proprietors of social media platforms and their minions and AI algorithms finding it difficult to control the dissemination of heretical thoughts. While the playing field of social media is hardly a level one, one of the ways heretics beat the system is to use irony and bathos in posts and comments. One of these heretics (or perhaps it is a group of heretics) who uses this tactic to a tee is Anita's Hall of Social Justice & Intersectional Feminism, which consists of a Facebook page from which subversive guerrilla warfare is launched against the woke mob. Here is one of xyr posts (to use xyr correct pronouns):


Yesterday I took my 6 year old gender aware niece Aella shopping and we decided to go to Starbucks. Aella is getting big now so I felt it was that special time for her to order her own Starbucks without adult supervision.
I placed my skinny soy latte order and then said, "okay Aella, now it's your turn to order".
Aella then walked across the room and grabbed a nearby lounge chair, swung it over her head, and carried it through the queue of people, then placed it next to the counter, stood on it and looked the barista in the eye and raised her fist in the air.
She ordered her regular Grande Frappuccino, but when the barista asked for her name instead Aella said in a loud voice:
"My name is I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for the hardship white lives have caused people of color."
"I'm sorry that society does not understand how important pronouns are to the gender diverse"
"I'm sorry to trans black lives and acknowledge the fact that I as a privileged white female need to do more to stop your genocide."
"My name is....I'm sorry."
As she was saying this the barista carefully wrote every word on the Starbucks cup, nodding toward Aella as he did so with his lips pressed together in righteous agreement.
The entire Starbucks went silent, but then a brown trans woman stood up and started a slow clap.
A different-abled woman of color and size in a motorized scooter waiting for her order yelled out:
"Uh-huh....tell it like it izz sister..uhuh...", as she moved her head from side to side while wagging her index finger and then also joining the slow clap as it gradually sped up.
Within 20 seconds the entire store erupted into rounds of nodding applause with tears streaming down people's faces.
Seconds after the applause ended a white male businessman entered and placed his order name as "Mr. I'm sorry".
He must have been listening from outside and already learned.
So if a 6 year old girl can acknowledge her privilege, what's your excuse? 


Anita's use of exaggeration and situational hyperbole are sublime, as are the stereotyped utterances of Ebonics from an equally stereotyped plump Negress, the joke playing on the uncertainty as to whether such a person would actually exist, or merely exist as a political personification of the liberal mind. Ultimately, it is the acknowledgement that the liberal sees the stereotypes we also see, but berates us for stereotyping even as they use the very same stereotypes for their own political ends. It is middle class Leftist comedy turned back against itself, the stuff of the Cambridge University set but pushed in another direction. As a follower of this page, I occasionally like to chip in on the joke either in comments to posts or in replies to comments Anita has made on other pages, adding mortar to the wall of pretence.

This sort of mock character worked very well for the Left for many years - one instantly remembers champagne socialist Johnny Speight's creation Alf Garnett, incarnated by Jewish actor Warren Mitchell - and while I do not know Anita's specific politics, their humorous attack on what has been termed "wokism" is very welcome, and I urge others to follow this fine example and get in on the joke whenever they see Anita pop up.

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