A founding member of the feminist group Femen has died at the age of 31. Oksana Shachko has apparently taken her own life in her Paris apartment by hanging herself. She was of course not the real leader, for the real leaders were the financiers of Femen, the ones who provided the Ukrainian with an expensive Parisian apartment, the ones who set her up with a cushy career as an 'artist', where she could deconstruct Western culture to her handlers' hearts' content. Everything Femen has done has been contradictory and destructive. They have supposedly campaigned against sexual exploitation by exploiting their naked bodies, campaigned against dictatorship by having a strict unelected leadership, campaigned against religion by creating mock-iconography. And in this latter campaign, what have they done but deny women spirituality?
Oksana Shachko, the abyss within |
Her suicide follows that of fellow Femen activist Julia Javel in 2015, another so-called artist who lived in an apartment in the 7th arrondisement of Paris, the most sought-after district among the French elites. Like Shachko, she had been purged from the movement shortly before in a move rather typical of communists. Yet the real leaders of Femen have always been men, the money men, the men who decide Femen's actions with their wallets - and unsurprisingly, they are Jewish. Their original mentor and Ukrainian nationalist Viktor Syvatski, who envisaged a movement against perceived Russian imperialism, was chased away long ago. The major benefactors now are George Soros, who is well-known to us, and Jed Sunden a.k.a. Judd Sanden, an American Jewish millionaire who sold a media empire he had founded in the Ukraine to Pakistani oligarch Mohammad Zahoor in 2011. Jews enabling Muslims in the West, well imagine that.....
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Jed Sunden with rabbi |
Sunden and Soros are supported by a small network of Jewish women, along with a few key Gentile shabbos goyim. Galia Ackerman and Anna Hutsol are two Russian Jewesses. The former now lives in France and publicises Femen and wrote a book about them, as well as articles for Le Monde, Libération and the Huffington Post among others. The latter founded Femen in the Ukraine with Shachko and Alexandra Shevchenko and it is clear that Hutsol was the driving force. Shachko was the first to go topless at a demonstration and was creating mockeries of Eastern Orthodox icons at the time of her death, as she had for her 2016 exhibition at the Galerie Mansart where Muslim Azad Asifovich is curator. In tearing down every vestige of her culture and society and replacing it with mere cynicism and mockery, she had looked into the abyss and the abyss had looked back. I may reject Christianity, but I do not tear it down without a spiritual replacement that is more European. In attempting merely to destroy the logos, she had embraced madness and self-destruction. This is ultimately what feminism leads to, for women embracing feminism are rejecting Nature, starting with their own.
There are many ways feminism attempts to undo Natural Law. Most people will never have heard of Nicole Bass. A body builder and wrestler, she died in February last year aged 52 of a stroke more than likely brought on by years of steroid abuse. She had already been hospitalised in 2006 by steroid-induced pancreatitis. Her use of steroids, PEDs (and probably hormones) had not only transformed her body into a Frankenstein's monster, but her face too, it becoming more masculine than an average male face by exaggerating the features with a lantern jaw, the brow ridge being built up and nose becoming larger (see photos above). No photos of her circulate from before her body transformation, but the photo below from 1989 shows her just a couple of years before her complete transformation and one sees the last vestiges of femininity in her face. As wrestling promoter and commenter Jim Cornette said in interview, the WWF basically employed her as a circus freak in 1999 after her wrestling debut in ECW a year earlier. Is this in any way empowering for women to be considered a freak? She had, after all, apparently been quite an attractive and well-developed woman in her youth.
I know what the Left will say, that the problem lies with society, that it exposes society's intolerance of people outside of its repressive norms. It is the usual spiel. Yet Nicole was not born this way, but abused herself via artificial harmful drug use that led to ill health and death. There is no doubt that the feminist agenda was firmly in her mind when she chose this path, as she stated bluntly in interview:
....when I go to the gym, I don't train with girls. What am I gonna do, two plates on each side of the leg press? I'm built like, you know, better than the average guy. [...] I'm built like the guys, so why shouldn't I do what a man can? I believe that society puts women into these moulds and says 'You know what, you're [...] supposed to diet and complain a lot because you're fat, but don't go to the gym and lift weights. That's bad, you know.' So I come from just a different mindset. I think that a woman can do whatever a man can do.
There should be a "trigger warning" for those photos. At least a warning not to be eating while reading.
ReplyDeleteThere's a consistent effort from the outside to encourage division within the sexes and to push them into bizarre caricatures of their sex's nature or to abandon it. This is done through the MSM, education, etc. from the top down but also clearly done with infiltration of all of the political spectrum from left to right. I see the "White Shariah" nonsense and foaming hate for women being pushed as a wedge issue on the internet, with bizarre and creepy dedicated advocates trying to claim it is somehow normal or traditional for Europeans or what they should adopt (with the clutching at straws to mutter something about coveture). All but saying the Right and Europeans should outright adopt Islam as a fix. It's like a push for Stockholm Syndrome where Europeans are to identify with their conquerors or abusers, be they the globalist type (we can be the new rootless cosmopolitans and play their game!) or the new masses of foreign religion believers (Women hating or white shariah memes).
ReplyDeleteThis is excellent stuff! Glad to have found your blog.