For those who do not know her, Katie Hopkins is another one of those Christian Zionist types who are ever in the news serving as the mainstream's fake boogeymen of the fake Right for their Jewish masters. They are in place to make sure those rebelling against the mainstream are herded into other avenues conducive to the retention of Jewish power. In America there are the likes of Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson (although British) and Mike Cernovich, in Canada Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, Jordan B Peterson and Gavin McInnes, and in Britain Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters, Pat Condell, Paul Weston, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, some of whom are of partially Jewish extraction themselves - and one has to wonder, given her looks, if Hopkins herself is of Jewish ethnicity.

Hopkins is ubiquitous in the British media and was especially vocal after Tommy Robinson's justifiable imprisonment for endangering the trials of Asians being prosecuted for child rape and played her part in the 'Free Tommy' campaign. I said then and I'll say it again that people rightly incensed at the violence perpetrated by third-world immigrants on the indigenous population are being coralled into serving Israel's interests against its neighbours, just as the Lebanese Christians were used in the 1970s and 1980s to solve Israel's Palestinian problem that the Jews had themselves created by evicting them from their land and forcing them into Lebanon. Indeed, a few years ago, the aforementioned Paul Weston wrote an article entitled 'Transforming Britain into Lebanon', in which he completely ignored Israel's role in Lebanon's transformation into an Islamic country. Just as the Jews created the problem in Lebanon, so they have been instrumental in lobbying for non-White immigration into Britain. Hopkins has pretty much confirmed what I have warned of with her latest tweet and video, in which she encourages British people to join the Israeli Defence Force as a bulwark against militant Islam:

This comes as the Zionist lobby group the Middle East Forum announced that it has funded the 'Free Tommy' rallies, the next being on July 14th, and Tommy Robinson's legal campaign. The MEF director who signed the statement is one Gregg Roman, who has previously worked in Israel's Defence and Foreign Ministries, and is open about bringing foreign pressure to force the government into releasing Robinson. Everything I predicted about Israel's manipulation of the British working class in this is coming true. As I said, take heed, for you will be used as we Europeans once used the Amerindian tribes against each other in our expansionist wars in the New World, and we will dwindle as they have dwindled. Follow this course and you truly will be Tommytards. The only true course is to reject all foreign influences and adhere to the principles of racial nationalism, for we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
The game is very clear when you lay it out like this. Looks like they're moving to another stage of it. Very frustrating to see people played like a fiddle. So many bought and sold fake Right people that should know better playing along with it as a compromise, deluding themselves or others that it's a stepping stone instead of a diversion or trap. I hope nature and the nature within every European comes comes to the fore and they shake off the illusion.
ReplyDeleteI quite agree with your articles, however, I find it hard to put any faith in the NF. Obviously I'm not on my own, of the thousands of former members of the BNP how many have ended up in the NF, maybe a couple of dozen. You don't have to look very far to find the reason why, firstly the name is discredited, the gutter press and the opposition is responsible for some of this, however, much damage was self inflicted, the NF has gone through numerous metamorphosis over the years, damage done along the way. Yes, the NF is a household name, however, this doesn't get it votes or members. Secondly the marching, a few dozen people dragging around a back street impresses no one. I was a member from 1967 until 1980, I know a lot of people who were members then and wouldn't touch the NF with a barge pole. As I think you mentioned in a previous post, the membership of the BNP voted to let ethnics into the party, I was among the four people who voted against it at the 2010 meeting in outer East London. I don't know what the answer is, however, I do know that the NF,BM and BDP are wasting their time.