Every day, new people subscribe to the Mjolnir Magazine Facebook page and to the David Yorkshire and Mjolnir at the Movies Youtube channels. And every day, the admin staff of those host entities pop by to steal a handful of those subscribers. I know it goes on because people have told me how they have been unsubscribed from pages and channels including my own, just as I myself have found myself unsubscribed from pages and channels I had joined. It is petty and tiresome, but it has the effect (((Mark Zuckerberg))) and (((Susan Wojcicki))) require: that proper Rightists grow tired of seeing their subscription numbers never grow or dwindle and give up producing content. I really wish Holly Hazeltree for one would start producing videos again. Our Facebook page has lost over 500 subscribers in the past year despite plenty of new subscribers. This is not a defeat, but a challenge. It is a challenge for us to become more creative in how we advertise the outlets for our content. Memes are a great way of getting out messages simply and in an entertaining way.

Memes not only get out Rightist messages, but also advertise our channels. This is why we put the Mjolnir Magazine and Mjolnir at the Movies logos on our memes. However, we also rely on you, our readership to disseminate them, as we do not have the money for advertising space, nor do we have the inclination to give money to our enemies unnecessarily. We have also distanced ourselves from those of the Aut Right who have become far too interested in shekels at the expense of the nationalist cause and have also become distracted by unhealthy lobbying for alternative lifestyle choices and ethnic diversity within the movement, which also appears to be amply funded. Even now, an obvious subversive is being allowed to promote non-White rapist Roosh V on Stormfront because he is a sustaining member, such is the power of the shekel in our movement. How easy it has been for our enemies to put their words in Aut Right vloggers' mouths by throwing a handful of shekels into a Super Chat during a live stream. This is why we do not ask for donations, but merely that people who value our content help to spread the word and attract others to our site. One way you can do this is by sharing our memes. I will also try to help others' channels grow who I believe are genuine. I therefore ask you to subscribe to Neil's and James' channels, who co-host Mjolnir at the Movies with me. Thank you all.

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