Sunday 12 April 2020


As we Europeans ought to know, Easter is a Pagan festival, here in the North specifically associated with the fertility Goddess Ostara, or Eostre, after whom Easter is named. Indeed, it has nothing to do with the first deconstructivist theorist Jesus of Nazareth, a Jew whose life story was altered to fit with European Pagan religiosity. In the spirit of the true festival of Easter, I offer this little poem I have composed. I hope it will lift your hearts.



Northern Spring

When sunlight softens frozen sods
And turns the frost to morning dew,
When Northern Man remembers Gods
Reflecting when himself he knew,
Then Thor shall shatter Aaron’s Rod
And Freyja Yahweh’s wastes renew
With budding life and verdant hue
And Odin fill the empty pew
With wisdom lost yet ever true,

And reason shall reclaim the North:
The lamb shall lie down with the ewe;
The strong shall inherit the Earth,
Reclaiming oak and ash and yew,
And resurrected shall hie forth
On Eostre’s gown of green rebirth.

David Yorkshire

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