Wednesday, 29 December 2021
Let's close the year with a seasonal fuckwit of the month. There were many contenders, but the Democrat politician James Talarico's post on Twitter absolutely screams effeminate Leftist manlet, and the fact that the action figure in question is an effigy of Dr Covid himself Anthony Fauci is just the icing on the cake. Talarico appears to have embraced his role as the House of Representatives' overgrown schoolboy and is seemingly oblivious to having passed puberty....or has he....?
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
As I have little time to write articles these days, to keep this blog alive and to make sure I have at least one piece to show for myself every month, I thought I would give a Leftist Fuckwit of the Month award to the most deserving candidate I find greasing the internet with his presence....or her....or whatever pronoun they happen to be using that particular month. I know what you're thinking: this is very low-hanging fruit, but when one's time is limited, one must make do with easy pickings. They are often, in any case, quite entertaining. Anyway, the winner of the inaugural award goes to one Richard de Groote, a self-avowed class warrior in that rather schizoid way that such people talk about class. This piece of brilliance below shows his level of social commentary....
Saturday, 13 November 2021
From the 1960s to the 1990s there was a false consciousness perpetuated by the Leftist and Jewish-controlled media regarding the alleged superiority of the Negro boxer. Results seemingly supported this, and social factors were ignored. European training methods and facilities were well behind the times in comparison to those of America, and boxing was well-funded in the inner city areas dominated by Negro demographics by both governmental and private "philanthropy". In spite of this, there was still a steady stream of White European world boxing champions from Britain like Ken Buchanan, Barry McGuigan, Terry Marsh and Alan Minter (who sadly died last year). Many Western European countries also disprivileged boxing as a sport as politics moved to the Left and therefore away from traditional forms of masculinity - although there was a definite double standard when it came to non-White males. Boxing clubs were closed in Britain's industrial towns, but funded in the inner cities, while the sport was banned in countries like Sweden. Of course, half of Europe's boxers were denied the chance to compete in the professional ranks because of the Iron Curtain. The Hungarian Olympic gold medalist Laszlo Papp managed to sneak over to Austria to compete as a professional and go unbeaten in 29 fights before the communist authories put a stop to his career right before his world title bout in 1964.
Sunday, 30 May 2021
First and foremost: congratulations to Josh Taylor on becoming undisputed world light welterweight boxing champion last weekend. He now joins the likes of fellow Scot Ken Buchanan, Joe Calzaghe, Jimmy Wilde and Tom Cribb on the list of the all-time great British pugilists and is only the sixth man to become undisputed champion of a weight division in the four belt era. He also possesses The Ring belt, which is usually a good indication of who the real champion in a division is when the belts are dispersed. That he achieved the feat of unifying the belt in spite of obvious bias by both judges and referee makes it all the more special.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
To reiterate my introduction to the last GKC article, the
Chesterton family were ever friends to the nationalist cause. Whatever
flaws they as individuals had were minor ones; their hearts were in the
right place. It gives me great pride that I wrote an article for the magazine founded by A K Chesterton, Candour, which itself was the successor to Cecil Chesterton's New Witness and which I advise everyone to support by purchasing their literature etc. They also publish many books worth reading. Perhaps G K Chesterton's biggest flaw was that he only made it half-way
to Paganism in adopting Roman Catholicism as his religion, in spite of
him acknowledging that the things he loved in life and culture were the
remnants of our Pagan past, and he often railed against the Puritan
wellspring of liberalism and capitalism. In this article, he highlights the reasons why marriage and the home are a boon for the British lower classes and, conversely, why the capitalist plutocrat, often in the guise of a socialist, who are of the same ilk, wishes to destroy them.
Friday, 7 May 2021
The Chesterton family were ever friends to the nationalist cause. Whatever flaws they as individuals had were minor ones; their hearts were in the right place. It gives me great pride that I wrote an article for the magazine founded by A K Chesterton, Candour, which itself was the successor to Cecil Chesterton's New Witness and which I advise everyone to support by purchasing their literature etc. They also publish many books worth reading. Perhaps G K Chesterton's biggest flaw was that he only made it half-way to Paganism in adopting Roman Catholicism as his religion, in spite of him acknowledging that the things he loved in life and culture were the remnants of our Pagan past, and he often railed against the Puritan wellspring of liberalism and capitalism. In this article, which is as much for our time as that of 1917, he highlights the conspiracy of the media, for which he would probably be called a conspiracy theorist today, in spite of every word he says about the media being true. The end paragraph refers to the Marconi Scandal and how the media avoided naming the principle movers and shakers in the corruption as Jewish.
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
It has been brought to my attention that you at "National Vanguard" have been posting my articles on your website. You have neither permission nor have even sought permission to do so. What is stranger is that my name as author of said articles does not even appear; instead, the name of whoever posted the article on your website is there next to the title, as though he alone is solely responsible for it. At the bottom, finally, is a link to my website from where it was lifted. What you are doing is nothing short of intellectual theft. In short, to use an old-fashioned verb you will be most familiar with, you are jewing me. That said, unlike "National Vanguard", I do not scapegoat the Jew for the decline of the White European; and again, my articles are being carefully selected, and in some cases bowdlerised through editorial comment, to create a false impression that I blame all our ills on people of Jewish extraction. Let me make myself clear, the fault for our present situation lies totally with corrupt White Europeans in positions of power, and has done throughout history. The Jews, speaking as a broad group rather than individuals, have taken advantage of their corruption, but they are not the only other ethnic group to do so. Certainly, the Arab and the Chinaman are also having great success in world domination as the White European is disenfranchised, because our own leadership in its corruption has surrended its authority to that of the Other.
Monday, 5 April 2021
A lot of us make reference to Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. But let us imagine the hobbits set off to defend the Shire after Saruman had turned it into an industrialised shithole full of alien invaders. That is the task that we face. We must defend not the Shire that is, but the memory of the Shire that once was, that it may be so again.

Hobbiton by JRR Tolkien

Saturday, 3 April 2021
There have been a number of songs entitled "Runaway" over the years. Most have been throwaway Runaways that have no musical or cultural significance whatsoever. The first "Runaway", however, unbelievably turned sixty in the early part of this year and is a landmark of not just White American music, but popular music in general. It starts off quite innocuously as a nice catchy rock 'n' roll number with Del Shannon on guitar and vocals. We are constantly sold the myth by the usual suspects in control of our pseudo-historical narrative that rock 'n' roll was invented by Black Americans and arose out of twelve-bar blues. This is, like all good lies, partly true. What is missing is of course the White European folk music element that goes back centuries. After all, Europeans were playing stringed instruments long before they were introduced to Negroes. The lute, the lyre and later the guitar were staples of European music, and then the electric guitar was invented and developed solely by people of White European descent, notably George Beauchamp, Adolph Rickenbacker, Doc Kauffman and Leo Fender. Del Shannon is at the top of his game in this track, but then something even more special happens.
Saturday, 27 March 2021
As Mjolnir at the Movies makes its long-unawaited return, Hanna and David take a look at the popular series Cobra Kai, a belated TV spin-off from the original Karate Kid films, rather forgetting that shite with Will Smith's brat ever existed - and quite rightly so. In fact, we also forget to mention it, as it was so utterly forgettable. We discuss the evolution of woke politics from the original film to the series, as well as the effects of demographic change on programmes in general. As the series' creators hail from a certain tribe, the JQ inevitably crops up. We also examine the current nostalgia for the 1980s and the effects of deconstruction theory on culture.
Monday, 22 March 2021
Back in 2011, I wrote an article on the politics behind Azerbaijan's Eurovision Song Contest win, and how the competition was being used to showcase a fraudulent image of Azerbaijan as a westernised country full of liberty and tolerance etc., to use some Leftist buzzwords. In actual fact, the country is pretty-much a Muslim theocracy with a sham democracy directed and funded by Turkey and the European Union via its European Neighbourhood Policy, Eastern Partnership and Council of Europe, despite it being debatable whether Azerbaijan is actually geographically in Europe. The EU is largely interested in its oil and natural gas reserves, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline and a pipeline called the Southern Gas Corridor run oil and gas respectively from near Baku in Azerbaijan through Georgia and Turkey and into the EU for the benefit of international fuel companies. This explains the blind eye turned by the EU to human rights abuses and attempted genocide against ethnic Armenians in both Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. It explains why the United Nations took Azerbaijan's side during the 1994 Nagorno-Karabakh War, also passing General Assembly Resolution 62/243 after skirmishes in 2008 that claimed Nagorno-Karabakh as sovereign Azerbaijani territory. It also explains why the Western mainstream cultural machine promotes Azerbaijani interests.
Friday, 19 March 2021
Yes, it's meme time again. I've been making memes rather than writing articles for the past few months due to time constraints, as they're very quick and easy to make. They've kind of built up over the months, so here's a whole heap of them to enjoy and hopefully share to bring attention to this blog, which is hidden by all the algorithms imaginable. And with the closing of Voat at the end of last year, we have lost another source of publicity. The memes on offer this time around take in the corona scam, police state Britain, crisis actors used to bring in more draconian legislation, feminism, the great fact-checking fraud and the toothlessness of conservatism. Enjoy....
Saturday, 6 March 2021
This is an article for everyone. Yes, I speak to you too on this occasion, Black Man! Make no mistake though, I do not speak for you, nor should you want me to. I have no time for you, Black Man, but you ought to consider that a good thing. When I look at slavery, I look at how the plantation owners betrayed the poor of their own race by employing Negro slaves. The Negro should have been left where he was, in Africa, for better or for worse. I believe only separation can be good for the races, and integration, multiculturalism and segregation have only been good for perverse shadowy cosmopolitan elites interested in creating artificial and oppressive social structures.
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