Sunday 23 September 2018


Memes are patently useful media for disseminating our messages concisely and effectively, and often with some much-needed humour. Indeed, one thing I try to avoid on here and in my videos is bad news porn. Other websites, particularly on the Alt Right seem obsessed with bad news porn. Particular favourite subjects seem to be the murder of Whites and miscegenation - although in the latter case, one notes it is generally always black men with white women, so they can virtue signal to MGTOWs, who in turn will donate lots of lovely shekels. White men with Asian women is invariably ignored or even celebrated. How this is conducive to the procreation of Whites is anybody's guess. The preoccupation of black-on-white sex and violence though is the pornographic aspect of it all. Indeed, the same things are focused on in all modes of (((the film industry))). The end result, which is the very aim of such films, is the demoralisation and internalisation of the victim mentality among Whites. Feelings of hopelessness give rise to apathy, and apathy negates the activity needed to improve one's condition and the condition of one's race.




Bad news porn also becomes a form of titilation. I have noticed and been informed by other editors of various Rightist websites that such articles invariably get a far higher view count than positive articles about culture, practical activism and history (unless that history is about Hitler and National Socialism, but this again taps into fetishism). Defenders of bad news porn will give the same tired argument of it 'waking people up'. Perhaps it can to a small degree, but such articles are rarely disseminated to the masses of 'normies', but instead circulated among those already in the know. In any case, most 'normies' remain 'normies' not because they are ignorant of the evils perpetrated against our race, but either because they wilfully ignore them because they do not wish to deal with the negativity and wish to remain in their hedonistic bubble, or because they are simply too afraid to do anything about them, or even because they have gone with it and have accepted and adapted to the perversity as though it were a normal part of life, even to the point of enjoying it. 


The latter demographic is obviously a lost cause, but the others are obviously not going to respond to bad news porn. It is merely going to entrench them in their present lifestyles. This is ultimately what the decision entails: a change in lifestyle. Why do I want to move out of my comfort zone, is the question they ask themselves? One has therefore to give them a reason on their terms, even if we may despise these terms and wish to alter their reaction to these terms over time. One thing to target is the banality of postmodern life. It may be comfortable, but it is not exciting or even vaguely interesting. The Left have sucked the juice out of life and left an empty husk; humour especially is noticed by its absence. This is why memes are a great way of enticing 'normies' into the Radical Right. 




Below and above are a selection that I have created and shared on social media. You will notice I put the Mjolnir logo on to advertise the website and Youtube channels and hopefully attract people here to read about their art, culture and history. Some of the memes are humorous and many reference films from popular culture in a lighthearted way. Some satirise the official narrative of events, while others satirise the double standards of both Lefts of capitalist liberalism and post-Marxian socialism. I hope therefore that you regular readers will do me the favour of sharing these memes on social media both to spread the word about the website and Youtube channels and to bring a bit of much-needed humour to people's lives.

1 comment:

  1. The "Asian waifu" has become a meme itself it is so prevalent with people who should know better, with all sorts of nonsense excuses that range from cultural fantasies to sci-fi absurdities.

    Whites need positive things to take in and hold on to and aspire to or even work towards. If we can't lift our heads up above the swamp and look up to something greater we'll drown.
