There is little more to be said about the latest Gillette television commercial, which was dreamed up in the palsied cankered mind of feminist Kim Gehrig, and I do not wish to indulge in the bad news porn of an analysis. We know that it was aimed specifically at White Men and portrayed us as bullies, effete, misogynists, weak and so on, and crossed the line from advertising to propaganda - although where one form begins and the other ends is open to debate, and I think there is always an element of propaganda in advertising and vice-versa. The question is, what are we going to do about it? Well, I am happy to see that there has been a move to boycott Gillette products already, which is gathering traction. This has already been criticised by feminists on 4Chan, Twitter and elsewhere, who have pointed to the fact that advertising has been used to manipulate women's behaviour for decades. They are quite right, but the same also goes for men. Indeed, men have been on the brunt of some of the most heinous advertising in history. Who can forget this little poster that manipulated men into throwing themselves into the industrial mincing machine of the First World War?

While we are talking about World War I and feminism, feminists might want to address the phenomenon of the "white feather girls" during the early days of WWI before conscription. These were feminist women enlisted by the warmonger Vice-Admiral Charles Cooper Penrose-Fitzgerald into accosting young men and sticking white feathers (the symbol of cowardice) into their lapels in order to force men into joining up. Now it is important to remember that not all feminists were pro-war, and indeed there was a great split between the pro-war and anti-war feminists, but the pro-war feminists were sponsored by the elites, rather like (((George Soros))) & co. are sponsoring the most virulently anti-White misandrist feminists today. Anti-war feminists, for example, were kicked out of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Equally, pro-war feminists were manipulated by atrocity stories of German soldiers raping women and impaling babies as they marched through Belgium, all invented by the aforementioned elites. These elites, as was discovered by Henry Williamson and others who later joined fascist movements, became very wealthy from the war and the blood and suffering of ordinary men.
If we fast-forward back to the present day, both men and women are suffering at the hands of those manipulating feminism, and feminists have been all too willing to take the shekel. As I have discussed before, feminism promotes extremely unhealthy lifestyle choices for women. Feminism has embraced the Cult of the Other promoted by liberal capitalism and international socialism alike. This has resulted in White Men having been psychologically emasculated and left unable to defend White Women and especially young girls from the third-world rape gangs that the same elites who sponsor feminism have imported. Rape is used by these third-worlders as a weapon on many levels. The first is obviously to have power over White Women and psychologically demoralise them. The second is to insult the White Men who cannot protect them and, again, psychologically demoralise them. The third is to impregnate White Women with non-White offpring and create divided loyalties and moral crisis in a society hamstrung by post-Christian morality. With few exceptions, most feminists are silent about the scandals of Rotherham, Telford, Malmö and Cologne, to name but a few.

What women who have been manipulated by feminism ought to be asking is, why is feminism so well-funded if it is anti-establishment? Why is feminism promoted on university campuses and "toxic masculinity" now a common academic term? One notes that no one talks of "toxic femininity" - not that I would want anyone to, because femininity is not toxic. But neither is masculinity, and the one balances and complements the other in a sane and healthy society. It is therefore in women's interests to be just as disgusted by the Gillette advert as men, and I am glad to see that a high-profile, highly intelligent, strong woman like Carol Vorderman has spoken out against it. Strong White Women ought to be united with their menfolk in bringing down a rapacious establishment that has overseen Westminster and the BBC institutionalise paedophilia. Perhaps like the feminists of WWI, they ought to be more scandalised by what are this time the very real atrocities carried out by an invading army invited by a corrupt and treacherous elite. If White Europeans are to survive into the next century, White Men and Women have to stand together. Strength in unity, which is why the elites try to drive wedges between the sexes. And the Gillette advert is part of that agenda.
So let's all help to bring Gillette down. Let the bourgeois executives in their plush offices know there are consequences to their actions. It is easy to do. We do what they do: play one against the other. And so I have created a humorous little meme that you might like to share with others. Is it an advert? Not really. Is it propaganda? Absolutely.
It's a left right jab at us to knock us into a corner. I hope to see some people finally having at least some willpower against the advertising and to put their money elsewhere. It is long overdue but does seem to be happening at last in various areas.
ReplyDeleteMore evidence that they had very particular political intentions with the advert but also showing that YouTube has special rules for these companies compared to everyone else: