Let me first point out that I have no problem with Greg Johnson personally. I think, unlike many in the Aut Right, that he has done some sterling work in publishing Rightist poets, authors and philosophers like Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Tito Perdue and Jonathan Bowden. Indeed, contrary to how certain miscreants of the Aut Right attempt to portray me, any critiques I give are utterly impersonal. I do not care one jot about the 'flame wars' between the various personalities of the Aut Right who jockey for position and fame. Beyond exposing out-and-out frauds, the only thing I am interested in is the progression of the wider nationalist movement itself, and the question I always pose is: Does it help the movement? And this is exactly at the heart of the problem with Greg Johnson's essay "Gay Panic on the Alt Right". Although an old essay written in 2016, it resurfaced in the volume The Alternative Right, which mysteriously found its way to my doorstep a couple of months ago.

One of my own essays appeared in the copy in a bowdlerised form, with a negative reference to bronyism notably expurgated. You can find the unexpurgated article by following this link. In any case, the essay itself is rather redundant in that I no longer see any value in the Alt Right, although many of the artists I mention in the essay merely skirted, like me, around the fringes of the largely internet-based phenomenon, and some of these I still think can go on and continue to do good. I realised, of course, that the reason bronyism has been held sacrosanct is that Greg Johnson obviously approves of it to the point of obviating any criticism, as also demonstrated by his publication of 'Buttercup Dew's' My Nationalist Pony. Buttercup Dew a.k.a. Bain Dewitt, a regular writer for Counter Currents, is one of the homosexual clique published by Johnson. A former friend on Facebook, I observed several of Dewitt's bouts of depression and nervous breakdowns, and his homosexuality would appear to stem from this mental instability. I finally gave up on him when he claimed that White Nationalism was 'damaging' to him about three years ago during one of his episodes. And this begs the question: why did Johnson, the author of The White Nationalist Manifesto, publish someone who regarded White Nationalism with disdain? Perhaps Johnson managed to talk him round, but then one would also have to address Dewitt's misogyny. In "Gay Panic on the Alt Right", Johnson states:

None has been more vocal than I in showing intolerance towards gamers, MGTOWs and woman-haters, and I would applaud Johnson on this point were it sincere. But how can he be sincere when he tacitly approves of someone with these opinions on women?


One notes here that his homosexuality and his retarded views on women (or 'wamen', as he disparagingly calls them) are intrinsically linked; and such misogyny is often a distinct feature of male homosexuality, just as the lesbian tends to detest men. One notes how many lesbians make up the front line of the feminist movement and how many MGTOWs turn out to be queer. There are no greater masochists than the male feminist and the 'fag hag'. One notes in the screenshots that Counter Currents published a 'Buttercup Dew' article at the same time as he was enlightening us with his views on women. Does Johnson then share these views in private or merely turn a blind eye to them? Certainly, in the opening paragraph of his essay, Johnson says that the movement "tends to scare off women." Is there any wonder? And surely one must address who it is exactly who is scaring off women and why.
But we have rather jumped the gun here: let us go back to the beginning of Johnson's essay, starting with the title. Johnson always uses the word "gay", which is a propagandist term invented by the LGBT lobby. I use either the scientific term homosexual or the colloquial term queer, a neutral term used by both homosexuals and normal people alike. The latter colloquialism is apt, as it characterises homosexuals for what they are: strange or peculiar. "Gay", however, characterises them falsely, as happy and joyous, which they invariably are not. It also means that a once-positive word has now had its primary meaning perverted in the Left's constant war on semantics. Gone is the gay sabre of poetry, as opposed to the dismal science of economics, and one can no longer listen to the lyrics to the Flintstones' theme tune without wincing or bemusement at the end. In short, "gay" is a word the LGBT Left have subverted, and for a supposed Rightist not merely to accept this subversion but to promote it, is cause for concern. This might, to some, seem like an overwrought quibble, but it is revelatory when we get to the meat and gravy of the article:

We come back to the queer eye on male-female relations, in all senses of the word queer. One notes the willingness to separate men from women, to keep the movement as an exclusively male sphere, to maintain it as a sausage fest. Johnson mentions the Left quite a lot, as though criticism of the actions of queers associates one with the Left. He speaks of mistrust, yet one must place the blame for this mistrust squarely where it belongs: at those who would divide White Men and White Women. In doing so, is he any different to the feminists and MGTOWs he purports to criticise? Secondly, one of the reasons the Left won out was because they found a role for women. It was of course designed ultimately to destroy Whites in general, both men and women, but the fact that the Right had long-since abandoned any concern for the role of women meant women were easy to tempt into any role that made them feel important. This is something Sir Oswald Mosley realised and why he managed to sway so many former suffragettes to the BUF. Certainly, it is rather queer that Johnson talks about a Biblical view towards homosexuality, because that is exactly his view on women:
Christianity reduced women to the bearers of "original sin" - a nonsensical Christian concept through which, we are led to believe, Yahweh gave man dominion over woman in Genesis 3:16. In other words, Johnson himself is following Christian teaching when it suits to exclude women. In his opening, he talks about religion excluding women, but this is rather a Christian phenomenon or one from the morally bankrupt decadent multiracial Classical empires, which collapsed into Christianity under their own corruption. It was certainly not the case for the ancient Germanic tribes who sacked Rome. Johnson then rails against potential feminist entryism and "crazy-eyed women" and asserts he is creating a "healthy sexual order":

While I agree that we do not need nor want feminists or cranks in the movement, they come in both genders, and Savitri Devi might also be regarded as a crank to many. Again, his intolerance of woman-haters is commendable, but is it sincere, as I have mentioned above? But this is rather building up to the real issue at the end of the section above, which is "the healthy sexual order we want to create". What is this sexual order exactly? My idea of a healthy sexual order is clearly not the same as that given in the comments by Buttercup Dew. Is one man putting his penis in the rectum of another healthy to Johnson? Apparently, it is fine for the one doing the penetrating:

If being the passive partner is immoral, but being the active partner is not, does it not follow that the active partner makes the passive partner immoral by penetrating him? Is the active partner not then guilty of corrupting others? This was the logical charge brought against the likes of Oscar Wilde and probably Socrates. So then where do the passive partners come from if passive homosexuality is immoral? If you engage in sex with the men of your own race, you are responsible for corrupting the men of your own race; if you are engaging in sex with men outside your race, you have opened the doors of your society to multiracialism. I invite Greg Johnson to provide an explanation of how he avoids this obvious paradox. His reference to Julius Caesar is an appeal to a pre-Christian authority figure is odd because he has considered the morality of ancient peoples an irrelevance to the modern world. Why mention Julius Caesar at all then? Indeed, all religious traditions suddenly become an irrelevance:

It is very curious indeed that an allegedly Rightist thinker and proprietor of an allegedly Rightist publishing house would suddenly reject the relevance of tradition. Why are the views of ancient people relevant? Let us turn again to our old friend, the Roman historian Sallust, who presaged the collapse of the Roman Empire due to its internal corruption, especially sexual corruption:
"Men forgot their sex; women threw off all the restraints of modesty."
The truth Sallust gives us is eternal and is the same for every age. When dissecting the fall of Western civilization, how can one address the sexual corruption of modern women without mentioning the sexual corruption of modern men? The queer lobby of Counter Currents (James O'Meara, Buttercup Dew, Jack Donovan and the like) are often very eager to point to the failings of sexually decadent women, but what of sexually decadent men? Johnson is keen to defend Donovan in the article, particularly from criticism received in the wake of his appearance at NPI; yet what does Jack Donovan bring to the table? He believes, in his own words, that 'a contemporary American nationalism cannot be about race...' His value to some seems to be his homosexuality, which is proffered as an intrinsic good. His views on masculinity are informed by his homosexuality and are as ill-informed as his views on male-female relations. His assertion that 'masculinity is about being a man within a group of men' is as monocular as those of any lesbian feminist. It is the view of someone who wishes to shut men away from women for his own gratification. Masculinity takes many forms, but it is invariably about men's dealings with BOTH sexes. In short, Donovan is indefensible and O'Meara more so.

The section above is totally disingenuous. Johnson is providing answers to questions only he himself is asking, but not addressing legitimate concerns. Malicious rumours about someone's sexuality is obviously not the same as an open queer using power, money and influence to create homosexual cliques within the movement's hierarchy and to exclude those who are unfavourable towards the promotion of homosexuality. The two options Johnson gives to resolve a problem he has imagined are also disingenuous. Even if one were to address the subject of homosexuals in the movement, there are more options than either getting rid of them or stop caring about them. It is yet another example of the creation of false dichotomies that one sees so often in politics. Each case is different. In general though, homosexuals within the movement ought to have the good sense to advocate heteronormativity or at least keep quiet on the subject of sexuality and, particulary, male-female relations. Ideally, we would not know homosexuals existed within the movement, because most of us do not want to know or care. Indeed, Johnson has rather put the onus on the normal people living next to a noisy neighbour.
Johnson mentions Martin Webster as a model homosexual nationalist, but he had to be repremanded by Eddy Morrison for his predatory behaviour towards young men in the National Front, lest we forget. Equally, the notion that we should stop worrying about homosexual entryism because they are already inside is rather like saying we should stop worrying about Leftist entryism because they are already inside. Someone in the comments section gave Johnson an easy rebuttal by using the example of Jews, but what of Leftists of the same race? The answer is that we should be worried because they do not hold the values conducive to a successful white society. Quite, and the same goes for noisy queers.

All the way through the 'Gay Panic' article, no explanation is given as to the benefits of homosexuals to the nationalist movement. Again, it is as though homosexuality itself were an intrinsic good. Proffering deficiencies and defects as things of value is certainly a characteristic of Leftist thought. Homosexuality is a form of sexuality that has no function, and I have explored this in articles before, as well as its history of societal destruction. I also mentioned that scientific research has now proven that homosexuality has little to do with genetics, despite all the 'born this way' rhetoric of the queer lobby. in any case, there are plenty of other genetic diseases we ought to seek to eliminate. In short, advocating homosexuality is about as reasonable as normalising haemophilia. There is little difference between Greta Thunberg's rhetoric of neuro-diversity and Johnson's rhetoric of sexual diversity.
It is in homosexuals' interests to keep the movement exclusively among men and to promote their own into positions of influence, where they can keep the movement pro-queer. One does not wish to "out" queers who keep their heads down and who are genuine about helping the cause, but if they are genuine, we would not even know they were homosexual, unless someone had gone out of their way to "out" them, which would be akin to doxxing. Yet people who are vocal about being homosexual do not have the best interests of the cause at heart. They put their queer sexuality before their racial identity. It seems to me that the real "gay panic" in the article is Johnson's own. Certainly, the article is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and that suggests it was written in a panic. The panic has been projected onto people with legitmate and serious concerns, and legitimate and serious concerns do not constitute a panic. Attempting to associate legitimate and serious concerns with buffoons like the two Matts Parrott and Heimbach does not delegitimise such concerns.
Johnson talks of a movement that is straight but not narrow. I agree with the principle, but does Johnson himself? Johnson has often talked of wanting all shades of the political spectrum to be pro-White, but I am forced to wonder if he does not mean rather pro-queer. His association with anti-White queers like Robert Stark and Francis Nally, who promote miscegenation with Asians, is cause for concern. I hope it not the case that his commitment to homosexuality is greater than his commitment to nationalism, but only he can answer that.
Buttercup Dews comment about giving money to a woman being 'jewish' is absolutely BRILLIANT.
ReplyDeleteBeing as all one has to do now is play the 'its jewish' card as a fail safe argument then the next time my wife asks me for money for a pint of milk all I have to do is out the hymie bitch as a crypto jew shill even though she hasnt a drop of jewish blood in her! ha ha! Excellent !
I can then not spend any money and save every penny for myself....
oh wait...
On a serious note however...
ReplyDeleteThis highly important and rational essay is well overdue.
It made many relevant and well argued points one after the other that one could not specify just one sentence alone - and that is rare.
It is especially relevant in regards to ethnic nationalism.
I have to admit that I do not read Counter Currents so I am out of the frame as far as that is concerned. I do not belong to any movement. I am unaware of what goes on in any movement Like most people I will watch a podcast or read an essay and come to my own conclusions. I am often argumentative! I do not always start off agreeing on something but if the argument is well made and does not descend into ad hominems then I consider it. Ive even (as stubborn as I am) been known to change my mind!
I am of an older generation who, (sensibly I think) considered matters of sexuality to be an entirely private matter. I do not think I am wrong in this. Peoples personal lives are their own should be kept private and should not enter into the debate as far as I am concerned.I respect peoples privacy.
There was a time when someones sexuality was rightly regarded as an entirely private matter; their own ; not something for public discussion. I do not care about peoples private lives. I have a family and I do care about what is taught in schools however.
Like most people I work and do not have the means to home educate, though my son was home educated when young.
I read on the right that the white family is being attacked to pander to a particular young single individualistic bordering on mgtow male demographic. It is cynical youtube marketing and destructive.
Your essay was not controversial. They are logical,well argued, sensible, down to earth common sense values.
Quite apart from anything else the promulgation and discussion at the prior outset is an example of leftist permissive progressive modernity. Since when has the right sought to do such a thing ? which also (obversely) allows the public arena, and therefore by default the state then also to legislate on matters which are best left to the sound judgement of the private individual? But then we are talking about sound judgement.
As stated in the essay; from a traditional perspective it makes no sense. It is counter productive. Especially at a time of falling white demographics,broken families and growing State intrusiveness.
I am not, as I have said, belonging to any movement and realise that friendships naturally form. I am outside of and just someone from the public, but I will say this to any on the alt right in the event of reading this;
I sincerely mean this when I say I have very much appreciated much from commentators on the ethnnonationalist altright, but it has become too much of an echo chamber clique which is in danger of becoming a cult. This will paint yourselves into cultist fringe groups only. I hope it is not too late for people at this stage just to give some thought.
There is a difference between knowing about destructive influences and being fixated by them. And on that a problem with the alt right is that they are far more unhealthily interested in jews than they are in white peoples. They are obsessed with them to the extent of basing most of ther their time on them. It is absurd. Not only do they disable every positive approach or team effort from white people with 'we cant, its the jews' (as though knowing about their oligarchies = white people teaming up to achieve objectives) and imbue them with some kind of omnipotent power; they have now taken the mantle of failing black people who fail maths because they cannot be bothered to study and work at something but will merely say 'I cant because of whitey'. It is very unhealthy.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. I've said the same thing many times.
DeleteIts an instinct to be honest. Not something I necessarily understand fully. Is this an American thing? I think so.That was my perception. Perhaps it is that people know each other in a 'movement' and then feel betrayed by those they consider to be apostates. Or maybe they are betrayed. Who knows. I know what I mean by family and community but it sure as hell isn't Jim Jones. Watch the recent Going Free/No white guilt/Clarion video, its important I think. The question is ; Are people required to obey a party line - and the big question is if they feel so strongly (and there is no reason why they shouldn't) where is their political party that puts in the footwork? Its always possible to larp and point the finger to call someone a 'traitor' for not doing 'enough' while doing less themselves.
DeleteOk; then I am going to ask them; where is your family, where is your home or (if American!) homestead, were is the evidence of your political party that people can rally to. Leaving aside the religious issue (which I think is more one of lack of knowledge and therefore the gaining of knowledge) I am always going to be highly suspicious of people who signal against the idea of white families; for whether people have children or do not, white communities will still need numbers and support. Childless youtubers condemning people for living normal lives is a hoot.
People getting to a stage of awareness and then treating it as if they were on holiday says something about the mentality of the young these days. However; To raise families does not = abandoning the idea of fellowship and it seems to me that people can be active in something, do something else, be invigorated by that and then return to it. Any mature person knows that life is like that. How is it possible for them to so flippantly judge the measure of men? So my next question when I hear any signalling whatsoever against white families from the alt right (white families which in a time of falling demographics is a boon - not of course the 'only' important thing, but for the young - which youtubers for the most part are- certainly one of the the most important things that is possible for them to attend to since they are presumably already nationalists) is one of suspicion - who is behind that ? or are they just being stupid and presumptive ?
The alt right has allowed itself to be wet maided by cooky and 'advising' women who pay lip service to traditional roles but are ultimately gabby sjw pseudo-right feminists who would do better to keep their mouths shut.
I know who wears the trousers in my house and' however much I love her and what she does, it isnt my wife thanks very much!
Rome was a corrupting influence because it brought with it the damaging influence of its own imperial attack on the western Germanic and Celtic and Gaulish peoples. Its war with the jews in the east then brought to the west the corrupting influence of the same refugees and ultimately christianity. There were examples of homosexuality in decadent Rome but no recorded examples of the same in Germanic or Celtic or Gaulish cultures. Rome infact used sodomy on those peoples it conquered as a way of humiliating them.
ReplyDeleteI'd need some evidence for that comment.
Delete1. Homosexuality was a feature of the Hellenistic; Greek and Roman world. There are no examples of the same in that era in archeology related to the Celt,the Germanic or the Gaul.
ReplyDeletePlato states;
" homosexuality "is shameful to barbarians because of their despotic governments, just as philosophy and athletics are, since it is apparently not in best interests of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or physical unions, all of which love is particularly apt to produce"
Barbarians were; Germanics, Celts, Gauls,Iberians, Thracians (allies of the Trojans) Illyrians (Balkans) Berbers, (at that time prior to late population movements a term applied by Romans specifically to their northern hostile neighbors from Germania and Celts, Iberians, Gauls, Goths and Thracians, Parthians, (not white or European) Sarmatians (at that time related Alans, reddish hair some migrated westward across the pontic steppe to the west. Some of these were even in Britain;
Homosexuality in Rome was promoted by a liberal class as today but elites generally cohorted with eachother (depraved orgies did occur as the archeological evidence shows; they were not an invention of hollywood) and conquest was a 'virtue'.
How likely is it that a Roman noble would have surrendered his own (noble) son to another Roman for such purposes ? Especially when this would certainly have meant a fall in social status.
Greek and Roman attitudes to homosexuality largely depended on era and place. Indeed, Plato himself later also called homosexuality "utterly unholy" and "the ugliest of things." It is like asking what British attitudes to homosexuality are. Up to the 1830s, it was a capital offence, up to the 1960s, still a criminal offence. And now, the criticism of homosexuality is itself a criminal offence.
Delete2. La couronne triomphale (en latin: corona triumphalis), également appelée couronne de lauriers (latin : laurea insignis), est une distinction honorifique symbolisant la gloire de celui qui la reçoit;
Following defeat men women and children were sold into slavery. Men could be conscripted hence the rise of foederati. The Lex Scantinia is an ancient Roman Law that penalised same sex acts but only for freeborn male minor citizens; not for slaves/those taken into captivity.
Can we see me anything in Celtic,Germanic or Gaulish culture of that era showing the same things above? No.
For the Germanic it was exactly the opposite. Such things were repugnant; a disgrace and cause for ridicule as all the later literature derived from the very oldest sources state;
Odin: “Thou winters eight wast the earth beneath
milking the cows as a maid,
and there gavest birth to a brood:
were these womanish ways, I ween.”
Loki:”But thou, say they, on Sáms Isle once
beat (the magic drum?) like a VÅ“lva:
in vitki’s shape through the worlds didst fare:in woman’s wise, I ween.”
(“Lokasenna,” Poetic Edda 23-24)
The Saxon disdain for effeminacy in men has nothing to do with jewishness since they were not present in Germany/the west and the younger fluthark pre-dates Christianity taking root. (You might be also interested to know that the word 'forgiveness' is a Saxon one which shows the concept was in use and not created by Christianity either.)
'Sex changing' was Ergi ie; socially unacceptable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergi Loki as a mischevious malign spirit entity eats a womans heart and changes into a woman to do bad things.
Homosexuality /effeminacy which in the Germanic old world was an insult for soldiers and anyone else;
Tacitus, for instance, when writing about the Germans stated that those convicted of corpore infames were buried alive in a swamp (Germania, 12).
Honour for the Germanic spirit was built around spirit Odin the warrior Thor
Going from Romans having the right to sodomise slaves, which was true, to "Rome infact used sodomy on those peoples it conquered as a way of humiliating them" is too big a leap to make. Your evidence does not support that. And it's Wikipedia....
DeleteIt may have been true, but we just don't have the evidence, and therefore cannot make the claim.
Do I think that the Greeks and Italians then or now are all homosexuals or that their men are not masculine? Of course not. Not at all, that would be utterly silly and absurd. In fact I greatly value both some Greek and Roman traditions in literature and art and would not be without them ; the Romans could organise well; also many formidable achievements. Greeks and Italian are a great people with a great culture; latin a powerful language, but they are not Germanic or Celtic people ; they are volatile and given to emotion. The Celts they probably influenced more due to Latin influence where the nordic tribes stayed out for longer, though they suffered greatly ; geography and the forest plays a part... However it is a fact that traditional north western men are unlike the latins/French,Spanish,Italians, more 'colder' nordic rational mountain people less 'emotional' less feminine (feelz) and not given to licentiousness generally. We are masculine; we understand war, peace, poetry, science,art and when we apply ourselves we organise well. Our lives are in our pursuits ourfamilies and in our communities and essentially deep down we are a woodland people of the natural world. The urban/metropolitan was primarily Roman. The sea; Viking and Saxon, the woodland; Saxon and Celt. The majority ie normal people are down to earth people and instinctively understand this. I have gone on too long. Whether or not you agree with me, this is my view. Your essay was much needed for the right community. Thats all I have to say.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to have some counterbalance and honesty on this. Sanity and some kind of natural normality must prevail.