Monday, 31 December 2018
Friday, 7 December 2018
In this episode, Neil, David and James attempt to discuss the film Coonskin without getting the podcast banned - a very difficult proposition indeed given the very title of the film. Indeed, one might wonder why a Jewish filmmaker would use such an insulting title, given that it references the term for a black sell-out, which would rather apply to Barry White, Scatman Crothers and the rest of the Negroes in the cast, as we find out. We use the film as a starting point to look at the exploitative nature of the "special relationship" between Jews and Negroes, which the film betrays, as we examine how Jews have controlled and manipulated Negroes and agitated them against White European Americans by dominating black culture. We also address the overt anti-White hatred, but as James has mentioned outside of the podcast, if the cartoon characters were merchandised without the public knowing anything about the source, there would be outcries of racism from SJWs.
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Thursday, 6 December 2018
In this episode, your hosts Neil Westwood, David Yorkshire and James 'Bevel E' look at Kurt Wimmer's cinematic **cough** masterpiece Equilibrium, as an excuse to look at modern dystopian fiction in general. We also ask the question as to how far Wimmer has pushed ideas into the narrative that dissent from the Jollywood mainstream and are congruent with our own. Is the film just chewing gum for the eyes, or is there some artistic merit?
Sunday, 2 December 2018
I am very concerned for the Youtube vlogger Millennial Woes' mental health. It is true that I do not approve of some of his antics, like his support of fourth generation Holocaust™-surviving mystery meat Tara MacCarthy, or his support for MGTOW misogynists who hate white women, like Davis 'I have eight inches' Aurini or Matt 'I'm an Alpha male' Forney (seriously, they've said this on live streams), or getting involved in petty internet squabbles between people who think they are celebrities. But Woes has done some good stuff in between the nonsense, like the videos on the First World War, on the arts and some of them on social analysis. The problem is, however, that he has been on the internet for far too long and far too often to the point where it has become a replacement for real life to the point where his Twitter ban has become like a nuclear holocaust to him and he has started rambling that this might be a sign that there are government agents hidden in bushes trying to kill him:
Saturday, 1 December 2018
I am becoming increasingly intolerant of vegans and largely due to their intolerance of omnivores. They have become yet another noisy bunch of hobbyists in a contemporary world full of nuisance hobbyists who want everyone else to conform to the rules of their particular hobby. These hobbies, like 'anti-racism', transgenderism, social justice, feminism, veganism etc. have become the replacements for religious zealotry in Leftist secular society, rather like George Orwell predicted when he wrote about 'Hate Week'. The Leftist paradigm is centred on their fanatical hatred for norms based upon Natural Order, which they then project onto the defenders of Natural Order, who are then pilloried, attacked and charged with hatecrimes. This of course is sponsored by the new globalist elites like (((George Soros))). The first stage is always the garnering of social pressure via the funding of lobby groups and media outlets who will carry whatever message the globalists require imprinted on the public consciousness. One current one is that of the aforementioned veganism, and one media platform that is subtly getting it into the public consciousness is that of ITV's This Morning programme, which we have looked at before in relation to the cult of transgenderism.
Saturday, 24 November 2018
The weekend before last saw an interesting boxing encounter, as much for what went on beyond the ring as the match in it. The two fighters could not have been more different: Tony Bellew, a loud-mouthed trash-talking mulatto born in Liverpool, and Oleksandr Usyk, a well-spoken Ukrainian and Olympic gold-medalist who has criticised the conflict between ethnic Russians and Ukrainians in the Crimea in true nationalist terms:
I don't differentiate between our peoples. We're the Slavic people, let's just say that.
This is in spite of pressure from Ukrainian MP Vitaly Kupry, who, after Usyk's victory against Murat Gassiev in Moscow, berated Usyk for fighting in Russia, for not demanding the 'return' of the Crimea to the Ukraine and for sportingly hugging Gassiev after easily winning the contest. Basically, Usyk was berated for not getting involved in petty nationalist politics, of country above race.
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Mjolnir at the Movies is back with an episode celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Alex Proyas' Dark City, a film which deserves far more attention than it has received. We delve into the reasons why it failed at the box office and why it has perhaps been buried, and also compare it with the Wachowski Trannies' The Matrix trilogy, the first of which was filmed using Dark City's sets. We examine why Dark City is a film that is very much 'tuned' to our cause and how pecualiar it is - or maybe not so - that the Alt Right prefers The Matrix, even though the film is just more Jollywood multiculti propaganda....
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
The level to which Britain has become a communist totalitarian police state has been seen today in the wake of Bonfire Night celebrations. For those reading not from England who do not know its significance, Bonfire Night in England is a mixture of several things. Like other bonfire celebrations across Europe, it's roots lie in Paganism, in both the religious significance of Samhain and the preparation for the coming winter. The word bonfire comes from bone fire, for it was originally made to burn as a ritual sacrifice the bones of animals that had been slaughtered for salting. The celebration was then Christianised as Samhain gave way to All Saints and All Souls Days. The event then took on an added significance after the failed attempt by English Roman Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament on 5th November 1605 while King James I was at the opening of the House of Lords, after James had failed to stop the persecution of Catholics because of the increasing influence of Puritans. Never let Christians con you into believing that Christianity united Europe.
Saturday, 3 November 2018
As some readers of this blog will know, my article on the current battle between transsexuals and feminists has been reposted on the Counter Currents website with my consent. I do not approve of all who write on there, but equally, there are also very good articles published. My articles appear on many websites across the net, but this does not necessarily mean that I endorse the website in question. Certainly, some websites have copied my articles without asking for consent first. Onto the point: there was a flurry of comments to the article, some of which were of a very dubious nature for one reason or another. As people have no doubt realised, I moderate comments quite strictly on here. People are more than welcome to debate with me and I will happily concede points in light of better information, but I expect references so that information given can be verified. I do not usually engage in the comments sections underneath my articles on other websites that publish them, but the comments left to the article I have mentioned are so egregious I feel I have to address some of them. This brings me nicely onto the first dubious commenter:
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Just in time for Samhain, it's a Mjolnir at the Movies Halloween special, with three scary evil far right monsters taking you through the Halloween film franchise. In the programme, we discuss the highs and lows, particularly why Rob Zombie's Leftist propaganda reboots are a bag of bollocks, why the first film is so effective, why Halloween III might be the best of all despite a poor box office performance, as well as the current topic of cultural appropriation. Please subscribe to the channel and, if you're feeling really generous this Samhain, leave a like so that we don't come round trick or treating.
Saturday, 27 October 2018
The leader of Southampton University's student union Emily Dawes has come under fire for threatening to paint over the Rothenstein Mural which was given to the university by the artist William Rothenstein's son in 1959 and has been housed in the Senate Room since 2014 to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, the soldiers of which the mural commemorates. The mural depicts a line of scholars receiving their degrees, their academic gowns covering their khaki uniforms. Among those depicted are the then Chancellors and Vice Chancellors of Oxford University and the poet Robert Bridges. Dawes railed against the mural on Twitter because it only portrayed white men and in a fit of virtue signalling stated:
"Mark my words - we're taking down the mural of white men in the uni senate room, even if I have to paint over it myself."
This is typical standard feminist hatred of which the establishment approves, yet Dawes has been reprimanded by both university and media, so what is the problem?
Friday, 19 October 2018
The basic premise of all trickery, which the trickster often condescends to call magic, is to distract the audience's attention one way while the deceit or sleight of hand is carried out in the opposing direction. 'Magicians', tricksters in reality, have been doing it on streets, in theatres and music halls and on televisions for years. Penn and Teller have been one of the biggest double acts since the 1990s, when they started appearing regularly on their own television shows. Currently, they have a series in both the US and the UK called Fool Us, in which 'magicians' are invited to perform tricks in an attempt to baffle the experienced duo in how the trick was done. There is, however, trickery going on at the meta-level of the programme, which is directed by a certain (((Dennis Rosenblatt)))....
Friday, 12 October 2018
I was back with the Erkenbrand team for a podcast about the importance of poetry, hosted by Mr H, with whom I did the excellent Erkenbrand series on classical music. Joining us was Holly Hazeltree, whose fledgeling Youtube channel and blog are already very informative, even if she is more sympathetic to Christianity than I am. Please consider subscribing to her channel to give her some encouragement. There are, after all, very few allegedly nationalist channels with anything approaching a high level of content, most tending to be style over substance. Erkenbrand's channel tends to have both, with excellent production and content, so that's another one to subscribe to, and you might even like to subscribe to my own.... This podcast concentrates on European poetry, its history and its relevance and function for a people. Erkenbrand will also be producing Dutch language shows on specific poets.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Antoine Fuqua, you're not the one. Indeed, we try to steer clear of the great steaming turd that was 2004's King Arthur, as we indulge ourselves in the greatest cinematic version of the Arthurian legend ever made - and perhaps ever will be made - John Boorman's epic masterpiece Excalibur. In this podcast Neil and I are joined by film buff and fellow traveller James, who will be a regular member of the team. We try not to get over-excited by this film, but it's very difficult, so expect lots of superlatives as we tackle the film's major themes and dichotomies of Christianity vs Paganism, Nature vs civilization, masculinity and femininity, nationalism, myth and art. Is this the most Rightist film ever?
Monday, 8 October 2018
Having driven the length and breadth of Western Europe and in parts of the East, one thing has struck me on the long hours on the road: French radio is probably the worst in Europe. Most of it consists of bourgeois chatter, like their television. French radio also has a commitment to 'French' songs, largely meaning songs in the French language and generally meaning rap music, which is not French at all. This has been going on for quite some time; during the 1980s there seemed to be a transition from the indigenous French tradition of the chanson, a modernised form of lyric-driven song that traced its roots as far back as the ancient troubadours of the Middle Ages and sung by the likes of Jaques Brel, Édith Piaf, Dalida, Léo Ferré and Charles Aznavour, who died on Monday; a transition to Black American influenced rap and hip-hop that gained in ascendancy just as the non-White population began to explode in mainland France. Zouk also rose at the time, coming as it did from the French Antilles and was organic to that section of the population, but synth pop, which emerged during the 1970s, was completely overlooked.
Friday, 5 October 2018
Norman Bates has been created, a mentally deranged man dressing up as mother. There are many like Robert Bloch's character; some like Liam Suleman / Lucy Edwards, William / Gillian Jaggs, Kayleigh-Louise Woods / Kyle Lockwood have all murdered women exactly like the character; others behave in other violent and depraved ways like Miguel / Michelle Martinez, Kim Leverton, Gary / Carys Cooper who have all sexually assaulted children; still others are non-violent, but equally psychologically damaged. Let us be honest, all who identify themselves as 'trans', 'genderqueer', 'LGBT', 'gender fluid', 'gender non-binary' and all the rest of the newspeak terms that have emerged over the past 50 years, have serious psychological problems. A database has been compiled of crimes by 'trans' persons, which can be accessed by clicking this link. One notes that they are overwhelmingly born white and male. But how did all this come about and how can we fix an ever growing problem?
Saturday, 29 September 2018
It is unfortunate that the historic development of electric pop music has coincided with the domination of Leftist politics, where liberal capitalism funds Marxist socialist propaganda. John Lennon's song "Imagine", which gets pumped out over the airwaves after every Muslim terrorist attrocity to passify Whites for more of the same, is a prime example, distributed as it was by Capitol Records, then a division of EMI. Given where the money is, it is very difficult to find any songs by mainstream artists that do not toe the PC line, and any artists that do go against it are soon blacklisted and defamed, as was the case with Ian Stuart Donaldson, the leader of the band Skrewdriver, who had actually been on John Peel's BBC sessions series. Nonetheless, I have managed to come up with a Top 10 of politically incorrect songs for your delight and delectation. Enjoy.....
Dire Straits,
Frank Zappa,
Guns N' Roses,
Ian Dury,
Ian Stuart Donaldson,
Killing an Arab,
Minor Threat,
National Front,
Roy Harper,
The Clash,
The Cure,
White Riot
Sunday, 23 September 2018
Memes are patently useful media for disseminating our messages concisely and effectively, and often with some much-needed humour. Indeed, one thing I try to avoid on here and in my videos is bad news porn. Other websites, particularly on the Alt Right seem obsessed with bad news porn. Particular favourite subjects seem to be the murder of Whites and miscegenation - although in the latter case, one notes it is generally always black men with white women, so they can virtue signal to MGTOWs, who in turn will donate lots of lovely shekels. White men with Asian women is invariably ignored or even celebrated. How this is conducive to the procreation of Whites is anybody's guess. The preoccupation of black-on-white sex and violence though is the pornographic aspect of it all. Indeed, the same things are focused on in all modes of (((the film industry))). The end result, which is the very aim of such films, is the demoralisation and internalisation of the victim mentality among Whites. Feelings of hopelessness give rise to apathy, and apathy negates the activity needed to improve one's condition and the condition of one's race.
Friday, 21 September 2018
As we had a negative theme in the last video, our tour of Bavaria stops off in the pleasant surroundings of Bad Reichenhall for two videos where we discuss the beauty of European spa towns. Please consider leaving a like, subscribing to the channel and sharing on social media to spread the Word.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
One thing that ought to be apparent to anyone with any common sense is that one can never expect a fair deal from a Jew. This used to be common knowledge, yet political correctness stifles eternal truths. Alex Jones has spent the last twenty years trying to avoid the Jewish Question when addressing global conspiracies. In fact, Jones used to tackle the JQ as a young man, but then married Kelly Rebecca Nichols, daughter of Edmund Lowe Nichols and Sandra Kay Helligman, all of whom were Jews. Kelly had also been an activist for the ultra-Leftist group PETA, which uses animal rights as a front for hardline political lobbying. Suddenly, Jones became a Shabbos Goy and 'Nazis' were behind everything. He was given a nice platform in 1999 in InfoWars, where he could spout his nonsense and defend the state of Israel, and it has been noticeable that he has employed either people from Jewish backgrounds like Rob Jacobson and Mike Cernovich or philo-Semitic Israel-Firsters like Paul Joseph Watson and Jerome Corsi. Yet Jones has now had all his media deplatformed by hosting companies. Why is this and why now?
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
We're back where we started before the mediaeval festival at Burghausen in order to answer the question as to why so many Germans - and Europeans in general - are self-destructive Leftists. Why did so many Germans welcome the third-world invaders with open arms when Angela Merkel invited them to come three years ago? There was certainly the aftermath of the Second World War, which I briefly explore, but the foundations were laid much earlier. Perhaps the answer lies in church here as I look at the negative impact on the European spirit of John of Patmos' apocalyptic prophecy in the Book of Revelation:
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Saturday, 8 September 2018
In the news last week was the ongoing war between British and French fleets. No, we haven't rolled back the clock a couple of hundred years or so, and the fleets are not military - at least not yet. The boats at war are fishing vessels, with the French ramming the English and throwing projectiles at the mariners, and the dispute is all about scallops. The French fleet outnumber the English 35 to five, so it is hardly a fair fight and some of the English fishermen have called for the Royal Navy to defend the fleet while they trawl for scallops in international waters off the Norman and Breton coasts. It all seems very farcical, especially when one considers that the third world is overrunning both countries on a daily basis, and the Lügenpresse like Le Figaro and the Daily Mail do so love to distract the masses with a bit of phony patriotism when it suits, but there are some very serious issues that no one seems to be addressing.
The White Genocide orchestrated by the ANC government in South Africa is a constant concern for us, but I'm not going to cover it, as I have already done so before and Morgoth has written a fine article over at Morgoth's Review. Instead, I'm going to let someone who was part of history talk about it, that stalwart of nationalism Arthur Kemp, who was interviewed by Lana Lokteff for Red Ice. For those who don't know, Arthur was a member of the South African police during Apartheid and experienced first hand the handing over of the whip to the blacks, as Enoch Powell might have put it. This interview is a must for all those who wish to understand the history of South Africa, as Arthur is an accomplished historian and I recommend his book March of the Titans. He is also a publisher and runs Ostara Publications, where one can find many interesting works both past and present.
Monday, 27 August 2018
So Senator John McCain is like the chips that coincidentally bear his name: oven-ready. Contrary to the satirical headline in The Onion, however, his ashes will not be launched at Iraq; his body will be buried instead. After nearly 82 years, it is about time. A globalist Christian Zionist who spat on his own servicemen killed in Israel's terrorist attack on the USS Liberty - and this while he was Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he constantly showed his zealous adoration of the Other and hatred of his own people, including the now fashionable adoption of a non-White child, in his case from Bangladesh in 1991.
Monday, 20 August 2018
At the beginning of this year, I wrote an article exposing the Huffington Post's double standard and anti-White agenda when it comes to racialised casting in film and television series. The Huffington Post's position reflects that of the mainstream media at large, whereby persons of colour being cast in white roles is to be applauded, whereas Whites being cast in non-White roles is to be denounced. We have yet another high-profile example in the current news, as Indian actor Dev Patel has been cast in the forthcoming cinematic adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel David Copperfield entitled The Personal History of David Copperfield. Patel is best known for his lead role in 2008's Slumdog Millionaire, for which he was nominated for a BAFTA.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
The Dutch Alt Right group Erkenbrand, with whom I have had a long collaboration, have announced another conference on 3rd November. The price is €35 and speakers include Millennial Woes, George Hutcheson, Faith Goldy and Greg Johnson, the first proof of whose White Nationalist Manifesto I have just been reading through and offering a few suggestions. It will be a very interesting read when the finished version is released, so that's two adverts in one there.
Monday, 6 August 2018
People in the nationalist movement often make the grave mistake of being for something by dint of the fact that their enemies are against it and vice-versa. Following suit from the extreme Left, many youthful members of the Radical Right know what they are against before they know what they are for. It has therefore always been the position of Mjolnir Magazine and its spin-offs to concentrate more on what we represent than on deconstructing our opponents' positions. Brexit is a case in point. Most nationalists saw the Brexit vote as a means to jab our genocidal opponents in the European Union in the eye. I was far more cautious; indeed I said then, as I do now, that Brexit will make absolutely no difference to our concerns: mass immigration, state oppression, the overthrow of our law and morality, the rape of women and children by third-world aliens, the state-enforced genocide of Whites, media and academic brainwashing of the masses.
Our tour of Bavaria continues with a visit to the mediaeval festival in the castle of Burghausen, which is the world's longest castle. In the first video of two, I go to see what is happening in the town itself, before taking a walk through the main thoroughfare and various courtyards of the castle itself and showing you some of the events, stalls and exhibitions along the way, giving a brief history of the place as I go:
Saturday, 4 August 2018
Tommy Robinson has only been out of jail since Wednesday and in that time seems to have appeared on every media outlet known to man. That ought to ring alarm bells in anyone who hasn't been converted to the Church of Latter-Day Tommy. Why would there be a media frenzy over Robinson and a complete blackout on Jeremy Bedford-Turner? Both were termed politically 'far right' on their imprisonment, yet it seems one is certainly more acceptable than the other. While extreme leftist news outlets entertain Robinson even as they demonise him, Fox News presents Robinson as a martyr, and Tommy - good old Tommy, that down-to-earth likeable working-class cheeky chappy - has been more than obliging in playing the role he was groomed to play.
Sunday, 29 July 2018
A founding member of the feminist group Femen has died at the age of 31. Oksana Shachko has apparently taken her own life in her Paris apartment by hanging herself. She was of course not the real leader, for the real leaders were the financiers of Femen, the ones who provided the Ukrainian with an expensive Parisian apartment, the ones who set her up with a cushy career as an 'artist', where she could deconstruct Western culture to her handlers' hearts' content. Everything Femen has done has been contradictory and destructive. They have supposedly campaigned against sexual exploitation by exploiting their naked bodies, campaigned against dictatorship by having a strict unelected leadership, campaigned against religion by creating mock-iconography. And in this latter campaign, what have they done but deny women spirituality?
Oksana Shachko, the abyss within |
Wednesday, 11 July 2018
For those who do not know her, Katie Hopkins is another one of those Christian Zionist types who are ever in the news serving as the mainstream's fake boogeymen of the fake Right for their Jewish masters. They are in place to make sure those rebelling against the mainstream are herded into other avenues conducive to the retention of Jewish power. In America there are the likes of Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson (although British) and Mike Cernovich, in Canada Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, Jordan B Peterson and Gavin McInnes, and in Britain Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters, Pat Condell, Paul Weston, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, some of whom are of partially Jewish extraction themselves - and one has to wonder, given her looks, if Hopkins herself is of Jewish ethnicity.
In this video I travel to Mühldorf, mediaeval town and, during the Second World War, site of a network of concentration camps, as we take a critical look at the rise of the new religion of Holocaustianity, as promoted by its televangelist Jordan B Peterson, who is now ubiquitous. I have done my best to remain unbiased and objective in my assessment of the camps and of history and any offence caused to persons living or dead is unintentional. Please feel free to download and share before Youtube bans it.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
As my co-host Neil is on holiday, the perfect film to talk about is Solo, the latest Star Wars Story, which, as I predicted it might, has bombed at the box office. I also look at the film in the wider context of the Star Wars universe and in light of the fact that Kathleen Kennedy may also be going solo as she picks up her P45. Can anything be done to save the Star Wars universe or has the evil feminist empire destroyed the franchise for good?
Monday, 25 June 2018
MJOLNIR AT THE MOVIES EPISODE VI: Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining'
The latest episode of Mjolnir at the Movies is up, in which we start off by looking at Stanley Kubrick as a director, before moving on to what we consider his best film: The Shining. No Stein is left unturned, as we discuss his critique of White America, his odd view of sex and Hollywood paedophilia. Please subscribe to the Youtube channel.
Monday, 18 June 2018
In this video, I journey to Walhalla, hall of fallen Germanic heroes, and explore the relationship between culture and power....
Saturday, 16 June 2018
The results for the Lewisham East bye-election came in yesterday, with Labour winning by a comfortable majority. Both the Labour Party and British law showed its anti-White bias, as Labour excluded Whites from the shortlist of candidates, the winner Janet Daby being the daughter of West Indian Windrush immigrants, her candidacy obviously motivated by the current Windrush fervour in Westminster regardless of ability. The British National Party, which we will come onto in due course, once excluded non-Whites from its membership until the government-financed QUANGO and ironically-named Equality and Human Rights Commission threatened court action under the Race Relations Act 1976. The Equality Act 2010, noted for its Orwellian doublethink, superceded this and allows for the anti-White discrimination practiced by the three main parties. UKIP came in sixth with a paltry 380 votes and the newly-formed and much-vaunted For Britain Party obtained a risible 266 votes. It is the latter's performance and its leader with which we are concerned here.
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The Three Zionist Stooges: Anne Marie Waters, Tommy Robinson & Paul Weston |
Saturday, 9 June 2018
My latest video is from Rotherham, the town made famous for the rape of 1,400 young girls by Muslims over a 15-year period, which was covered up by the British state and police. I also look at the case of Tommy Robinson, formerly of the EDL, and the difference between him and the unsung hero who actually brought the scandal to light, Marlene Guest of the BNP. I also talk about the army of Tommytards who have tried to railroad the comments section here by posting abuse, disinformation and libel. Please note: all comments go straight into moderation and any that are misleading, abusive or libellous get hit with the delete button. That means you will waste several minutes of your time on nothing. I see there is now a collection fund to donate to, organised by Tommy Robinson's Zionist handlers. This will go to the same Zionists putting restrictions on White European freedoms through litigation and bureaucracy, and the irony of Tommytards whining about Robinson being falsely imprisoned because of state infringements on free speech seems to be lost on most people. Anyone of White European extraction donating to the fund must be considered a buffoon and a fool.
Monday, 28 May 2018
True Right has always believed in strong leadership and the ability, as
Thomas Carlyle wrote, of 'great men' to shape history. In his
collection of lectures On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History,
Carlyle identifies six types of hero: the Hero as Divintity, as
Prophet, as Poet, as Priest, as Man of Letters and as King. This is not limited to the Right, for the Left also has its heroes: its revolutionaries and men of theory. What we have seen since the 1960s is a new breed of hero that has emerged, firstly on the Left, but now increasingly on the Right: the Hero as Activist. The activist's name on everyone's lips at the moment, especially since his recent arrest and imprisonment, is Tommy Morrison, but is he a hero and will he shape history?
Saturday, 26 May 2018
The outpouring of indignance of the vertically challenged, Zionist-lobby-funded Lutonian is in ignorance at what the ramifications are for the little girls who were the victims of the Muslim rape trial, which was still ongoing. The so called heroic act of Tommy Robinson has put the entire trial at risk of collapsing and the bastards walking free, laughing up their sleeves. Far from some heroic, brave act, persecuted by police, this is stupidity in the extreme, and this entire sorry saga has brought genuine nationalists into disrepute. If Robinson does not possess one lonely brain cell, to do what any other nationalist would do, i.e. when deciding to film the defendants arriving at court, first approach the court office to check whether the verdict was due Friday, or whether it was still ongoing, which would then make his live streaming a criminal offence, then don't go sobbing that it's all so unfair.
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Tommy can you hear me? |
In this episode, we look at the latest Marvel superhero film Avengers: Infinity War. Has Marvel given us a brief respite from the SJW narrative to lure us into cinema theatres? Please subscribe to the new Mjolnir at the movies Youtube channel.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Otto Dix was a German artist who is now celebrated as one of the great painters of the twentieth century, probably in no small part because he was put on the National Socialists' list of degenerate artists, as, to the unthinking postmodern Left, anything the National Socialists hated is automatically considered good. Equally though, the postmodern cultureless cartoon Nazis of today's corrupted Right consider him a degenerate artist also simply because his artworks were deemed Entartete Kunst by the NSDAP. The irony is that Dix's work is far more congruent with the concerns of the Right than those of the Left and so I thought it was about time to reassess the man and his oeuvre.
Friday, 18 May 2018
I have now created a Youtube channel specifically for Neil Westwood and I's podcast Mjolnir at the Movies, which can be accessed by clicking HERE. I hope you will subscribe to the channel and share the content on social media etc. Episode 1 cannot be seen in some countries due to copyright infringement, having used music from the film Superman. I will therefore edit the video soon and swap John Williams' music, which we used for the introduction, for Neil's own composition. On Sunday, we will be recording our review of the latest Marvel superhero film Avengers: Infinity War. Stay tuned!

Saturday, 12 May 2018
We cross the border into Austria for this video on our tour, as we go to a traditional May Day festival - or is it as traditional as you think?
Sunday, 6 May 2018
The theme that always gets talked in A Clockwork Orange - particularly in the original novel - is that of free will. That is for the chattering Leftist academics who love to ejaculate over violence as an expression of free will - the violence of which they themselves are incapable and by which they are fascinated as voyeurs - but this for me has never been the interest in the novel, which I view as indulgent in a seedy kind of way. The real quality in the novel is in the observation of how the state uses thuggery to keep the masses in check, promoting reprobates to positions of power and authority, as we see when Dim, one of Alex's former droogs and another rival gang leader become policemen and give Alex a good beating while he is helpless after the fictional yet plausible psychological conditioning known as the Ludovico Technique.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
In this video, we are in the walled mediaeval town and castle of Tittmoning to discuss the subject of freedom of speech, especially in light of Mark Meechan alias Count Dankula's recent guilty verdict for the Orwelliam crime of 'hatespeech'. What has it to do with this location?
Monday, 30 April 2018
In this video, we are on location at Hintersee, a lake in Bavaria now popular with tourists, but whose creation is the stuff of legend. What does it all mean....?
Sunday, 22 April 2018
In this new introduction to the Youtube channel, I explain the channel's purpose while on location in Germany, with a little help from two Germans in Goethe and Spengler and a Frenchman in Joseph Joubert.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Devo has always identified with the political Left. Formed at Kent State University in early 1970 as a postmodernist performance art project by Gerald Casale, Bob Lewis and Mark Mothersbaugh - which, in essence, Devo remained even after primarily becoming a music band - they set out to bring 'the truth about de-evolution' to the masses. Mothersbaugh had joined the ironically named Communist group Students for a Democratic Society after being emotionally manipulated by a 'teach-in' in which SDS leaders threatened to napalm a dog in order to gain sympathy for the Cambodians after Richard Nixon's expansion of the Vietnam War. Casale felt a need to join after two of his friends were killed in the Kent State Massacre, in which the National Guard opened fire on protesting students, killing four and wounding nine, some of whom were just bystanders. And yet for all this, Devo are the most atypically Leftist band to the point of often being congruent with the Radical Right in their political incorrectness given current Leftist dogma.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
As is widely known by my friends and acquaintances, I have little time for Paul Golding and Britain First, and there are several reasons for that. The first is that Golding and founder (now former) member Jim Dowson abused their positions within the British National Party to misappropriate members' data so that they could spam them, cold call them and send them begging letters for donations upon founding Britain First, a routine to which they had become accustomed during their time in the British National Party. The second is the amoral campaign they launched to collect donations, in which the public were allowed to believe the monies were going to help soldiers, when in fact they were going towards funding Britain First and thus in the pockets of its hierarchy. The last and most important reason is that they have wilfully buried the issue of race in favour of a politically correct narrative of ideology, which goes hand-in-glove with their obsequiousness in relation to Jewry. That said, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen did not deserve to be imprisoned as they were a couple of weeks ago.
Saturday, 31 March 2018
THE NORMANS, A Video Mini-Series
In this video mini-series, we take a look at the Normans and the impact they had and have had on English society from various locations of significance in Normandy itself. The first documentary is from Barfleur, embarkation point of the Norman fleet before it set sail to England. I give some general information on the Duchy of Normandy's foundation and the dukes, as well as background information on England's recent history leading up to the invasion in 1066. The discussion of the aftermath, which sets up the next video on how they transformed the social order:
Saturday, 17 March 2018
As subscribers to my Youtube channel will know, over the past month, I have been making a series on Nature and our relation to it. I had originally planned to make only one video, but soon realised there were so many aspects that needed covering that it warranted a whole mini-series. In any case, the feedback from the videos I was getting was very positive and I had several requests for more in the same vein. The first video explores how the Left-Right political split in politics is congruent with the city-countryside split and how the bourgeois city-dwellers have manipulated semantics, whereby words relating to people from the country carry notions of stupidity. We look at the history of the 'progress' of the Left and how this has been responsible for the destruction of Nature in Europe, starting with the acceptance of Christianity.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Hope Not Hate has released its annual 'State of Hate' publication in which Nick Lowles and co. tell the few on the Left who can still read whom they should hate and by how much. Lowles shows his anti-capitalist credentials by charging £6.50 for this piece of literary brilliance and by spending three pages defending billionaire George Soros, following that with a page of HNH merchandising advertised by that icon of anti-capitalist product endorsement Billy Bragg, whose records have been and continue to be distributed by the likes of Atlantic Records and Sony. Indeed, Nick Lowles now bears the title of chief executive officer of Hope Not Hate and one must suppose that HNH is now a corporation. Will they be floated on the stock market? Only time will tell..... The good news is though that as Mjolnir Magazine is committed to the indigenous European workers' struggle, I found one can access the pamphlet via this link until the army of third-world and Leftist incompetents at HNH fix it!
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Avid reader of Mjolnir: Nick Lols |
Saturday, 3 March 2018
Again we see another terrible shooting incident in America being used as political leverage. It has been suggested by some on the Alternative Right that the murder of seventeen people at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida by Nikolas Cruz was orchestrated by the government. Certainly, something does not sit quite right about the event. We are told by the mainstream media that Cruz is a white supremacist and Donald Trump supporter, which is convenient, and his own ethnicity is disguised by the fact that he was adopted at birth. Living in a post-truth age in which the media constantly churns out fake news means many facts about the case are impossible to discern. What is known, however, is that both the FBI and local police under Sheriff Scott Israel (note the surname) allowed the massacre to happen through inactivity. Cruz was known to the FBI as a threat, but was never arrested despite stating on social media that he was going to exactly what he did. During the attack itself, Israel's deputies stood and watched and never made any effort to stop Cruz, which is bizarre.
Monday, 26 February 2018
Whatever happened to the perfectly good term 'fancy dress'? I suppose one might argue that 'cosplay' emphasises the element of play to it, of playing the role the costume suggests. One such man who loves to do this is Justin Trudeau. There is nothing terribly wrong with that - except that he does it when representing the country he is prime minister of on the world stage. Even worse, the majority of Canadians seem to think this is perfectly normal.
Saturday, 24 February 2018
Ilya Glazunov is not a name that is widely known in Western Europe, to the point where his passing went largely unnoticed on 9th July of last year. I personally only found out at the end of the year and have only just managed to find the time to write this obituary, involved as I am in a number of cultural projects that will bear fruit this year. Born into a Russian noble family in St Petersburg, known at that time as Leningrad in the Soviet Union, he lost his parents to starvation in the siege of that city during World War Two, he himself being one of the few survivors from his family. While studying at the Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, he considered entering the clergy at a time when the Soviet state still persecuted Christians, although at a lesser level than during the early regime phase. A priest persuaded him to 'Go, learn, and fight for truth.'
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
These are two videos I have made that are connected by the theme of Hollywood. The first begins with an observation in Jared Taylor's debate with black supremacist Tariq Nasheed in how black supremacists use the rhetoric of 1970s blaxploitation films to explain their situation, which is invariably one of being oppressed by the White Man. This I call "blaxplainin'". Certainly, such Blacks as Tariq will get a thrill out of the release of a film that puts all their fantasies about Black achievement onto the big screen. Yet does this new Marvel superhero blockbuster help Negroes or hinder them?
Sunday, 11 February 2018
Bryan Ferry may have been the trailblazer from the North who developed what I term White British Soul, but he was swiftly followed by others. As mentioned in the last article on the subject, Roxy Music's album Flesh and Blood influenced a new generation of artists. Such was the Über-coolness of Roxy Music's lead singer that in Sheffield the nightclub Crazy Daisy hosted Bryan Ferry nights. It was therefore no coincidence that Sheffied would become one of the epicentres of the 'New Romantic' subgenre of synthpop.
Monday, 5 February 2018
I am back to cultural excursions, this time visiting the 'unenriched' Yorkshire market town of Penistone and looking at what lessons can be drawn from a Rightist perspective:
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
After Dave’s very kind introduction a few days ago, I thought I’d write a few words about the nature of my YouTube channel.
I decided to start the channel a few months ago after watching Millennial Woes's excellent video 'One hour from now', which he recorded last autumn. It made me think deeply about what contribution I could make to the current culture war.
Sunday, 21 January 2018
It's the intermission at Mjolnir at the Movies during my partner in thoughtcrime Neil Westwood's absence, in which I fill in with my thoughts on why The Last Jedi failed in China. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel and follow us on Twitter, as we have just set up an account: @MjolnirMagazine
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Catherine Zeta Jones is the latest actor to come under fire for so-called 'whitewashing', where a White actor plays a character who is ethnically Other. Jones plays Colombian 'Cocaine Godmother' Griselda Blanco in the biopic of that name airing tonight on Lifetime. As usual, the blatantly anti-White Huffington Post has led the charge, with Latina journalist Carolina Moreno screaming for the casting of someone from her own ethnicity. Moreno claims it has caused an angry backlash and shows a handful of social media comments to prove it. It is not the first time this furore at 'whitewashing' has been manufactured in the media, with the likes of Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence and the cast of Gods of Egypt all having come under fire in recent years (even though the Egyptian Gods were White).
Friday, 19 January 2018
There are a lot of Youtube channels on the Rightist side of metapolitics. Very few of them offer much in the way of original content and rely on bad news porn and endless chit-chat wherein the same tired dialogues and monologues are endlessly repeated. It is therefore very refreshing when one finds a little gem amongst the broken glass. Holly Hazeltree offers a much-needed look at forgotten rites, rituals and cultural festivals, the manipulation of language and culture by antagonistic elites, and what the effects of cultural change have been on society. Her first video deals with the various permutations of the word 'consume', the associations that have been imprinted on the word since its etymological beginnings and how it has helped to shape consciousness. I have mentioned cognitive linguistics before, and it is something very underappreciated by the Right.
Sunday, 14 January 2018
This will be a relatively short article, but it raises some important philosophical questions for those who believe in the false dogma of either race blindness or race as a social contruct. Both deny the physical nature of race as a reality. A few days ago, the clothing retail chain H&M released the advert below featuring a black child wearing one of their hoodies that bore the inscription 'Coolest monkey in the jungle'. This has now resulted in Blacks in South Africa organising and mobilising against H&M stores, which have been trashed and looted. The Blacks, as ever, claim their actions are justified because H&M are 'racist' because of the word monkey being in close proximity to the black child. The question as to quite why a company that wants their custom would wish to insult them has not occurred to them, nor has the fact that their reaction resembles the behaviour of lower primates, but these points rather disguise the main issue regarding the whole notion of 'racist' insults of this nature.
Saturday, 13 January 2018
Christina Rossetti is best remembered as one of the Pre-Raphaelites. While technically not a member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood herself (she was, after all, a woman), her brother Dante Gabriel was one of its founders and she remains one of the biggest names in the Pre-Raphaelite movement as a whole. As well as modelling for several famous paintings, she was a poet of distinction in her own right and served to renew the lessons and themes from the classics, folk tale and faerytale in her own time, drawing from both her Italian roots and adopted English culture. This adoption of English culture included High Anglicanism, although she tended towards Anglo-Catholicism not as a return to Roman Catholicism, but as a rejection of liberalism within the church. Indeed, she rejected a marriage proposal by Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood painter James Collinson after he reverted back to Roman Catholicism, having converted to High Anglicanism for the engagement with Rossetti.
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Cover illustration by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
A few days ago, an editor of the online mainstream newspaper The Huffington Post wrote the tweet below, which garnered some media attention. It did not get anywhere near the hysterical outcries from the mainstream press that, say, Donald Trump earns for a bit of harmless locker room banter, which suddenly become 'trumped-up' charges of rape and molestation. McCombs' genuine hatred for men has been, in contrast, largely ignored by her fellow mainstream journalists and she continues to serve as 'Editorial Director of Parents'. As some Alt Right commentators have noted, Mzz McCombs has a young son, but that is not the whole story....
Neil Westwood and I are joined by Alt Right novelist Andy Nowicki (or should that be Nowookie?) as we try to find some redeeming features in Disney's latest anti-Star Wars feature, The Last Jedi. Sadly, as if in some ironic parallel to the Star Wars franchise itself, the quality of this episode deteriorates markedly and it gets pretty echoey later on. As far as I'm aware though, none of us have any Jewish ancestry. Unfortunately, due to the holidays and so on, we found it difficult to schedule a re-recording session and, as The Last Jedi is getting old already, I have decided to just go with what we have. It isn't too bad without earphones, but dreadful when wearing them. Again, (((Youtube))) have put the image upside-down in an act of Semitic pettiness.....
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